Board Meetings

Board Meeting Times and Public Comments
Unless otherwise stated, the Pamlico County Board of Education will meet on the fourth Monday of every month at the Pamlico County Schools central office, in the board room.  
At the September 2022 Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted new policies that include a change in the time that Board meetings begin and how the public requests to make comments before the Board.

In accordance with Board Policy 2300, Board of Education meetings will now begin at 6:00 PM.  Please note this is a permanent change and all future meetings will begin at 6:00 PM unless otherwise stated.
Additionally, persons who wish to make public comments before the Board must visit the Central Office at 507 Anderson Drive, Bayboro, NC, and complete a sign-up form.  The deadline to complete the sign-up form is by noon on the Friday before the Board meets.  Should you have questions about either of these changes, please contact the Central Office at (252) 745-4171.
Recorded Meetings
As of March 22, 2021 the regular meetings of the Board of Education are streamed live on the internet.  Links to the live stream may be found each month on our website on the days leading up to the meeting date.  After the meeting, links to the recorded videos will be posted on this page.