PUBLIC NOTICE - Destruction of Records


Pamlico County Schools Exceptional Children's Office is hereby notifying the public of the intent to destroy confidential special education records. The public is duly notified that the former student or legal guardian of the said student may need these records in the future for social security purposes, legal defense, or other reasons.

Former students (or their legal guardians) born in 1991-1995 who received special education services while enrolled in Pamlico County Schools may request a copy of the confidential special education file. A copy of the file may be requested by the former student or legal guardian by notifying the Exceptional Children's Office. Picture identification is required before records will be released to anyone. The person receiving the records will be asked to sign a form documenting receipt of the records.

To request records contact the Exceptional Children's Office at 507 Anderson Drive, Bayboro, NC 28552, 252-745-4171. 

All confidential special education records of persons born in 1991-1995 WILL be destroyed on or immediately after December 31, 2022.